Through Memory Doors: Past Lifetime Issues, Present Life Healing
“Reaching our soul is the first step on the ladder of finding our higher power.” ― Michael Newton
He went through the door and into a life as young female, and noticed as this woman, he was wearing a full, multi-layered Victorian-era dress. In her dress, she was on a busy street walking with speed, focused and intent on fulfilling her ‘directive’. She was considered a lower-level servant and therefore cast her eyes down and avoided looking at others, particularly men. She picked up the tinctures and medicines her mistress had sent her to get, and made her way back to the three story Victorian house where she lived and worked for a wealthy family.
In that lifetime, my client discovered tension in the heart as lack of freedom, personal expression and the suppression of strengths and abilities, being ‘proper’ and meeting the expectations of others in what it meant to be a poor, working class woman with little to no opportunities. His past life character had a secret dream of being a baker and was being constricted by masculine energies in every direction. She married to survive–it was a trap, he said–and compounded the deep building of anger, bitterness and pain held in the body.
In this session we cleared the pain, the constriction and the blocking energies held in the heart, stomach, throat and solar plexus, which was holding my client back in his current life from stepping ahead and taking action on his dreams.
We are all energy, and energy never dies.
The continuum of energy and consciousness means that unresolved issues from past lives, along with positive resources, are carried with us into our current life. These elements may be triggered to reawaken in order to provide opportunities to become aware, heal and release them. It is crucial to clean up as much of our “baggage” as possible in this lifetime to ensure a lighter journey in the next.
You aren’t just healing yourself.
When you work on your personal healing, you are also healing the ancestral lines and the collective consciousness. It’s all connected. Heal yourself, heal the family, heal the world. This interconnectedness makes our healing work even more important and impactful.
“Past lives that reveal themselves to you are either a very specific memory that is moving through your current life, or you are moving through an energy imprint of something on the earth that coincides with something you need to experience” – the Z’s (Channeled by Lee Harris)
Past life regression is an exploration of your soul’s journey.
Past life regression is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to access memories of past lives. Unlike a past life reading, where someone tells you about your past lives, regression allows you to experience these lives firsthand. This process helps clear emotional blocks, balance karmic energies, and release patterns that may be affecting your current life.
STEP ONE: Is it a Past Life Issue? 5 Common Signs of Past Life Memories
You may be experiencing the influence of past lives if you notice:
- Unexplained phobias or fears without a known cause
- Intense reactions to certain cultures or time periods
- Recurring dreams with historical settings
- Unexplained skills or knowledge
- Strong attractions or aversions to specific places or people
These signs can indicate past life memories influencing your present life. Recognizing them can be the first step in your healing journey.
STEP TWO: How Does it Work? The Process of Past Life Regression
The regression process involves entering a relaxed state where the conscious mind moves aside, allowing the unconscious mind to access past life memories. You may explore significant events, relationships, and emotions from these lives to create energetic signature changes and gain insights that promote healing.
Hypnosis is the key that unlocks access to these memories. Hypnosis is a natural state of focused relaxation, similar to the moments just before you fall asleep. In this state, the unconscious mind can open up, take you back on your timeline and reveal the experiences and lessons from past lives.
STEP THREE: How We Heal Through Past Life Regression
Accessing past life experiences provides valuable insights into the challenges and patterns that from a spiritual perspective, you’ve brought forward in your current life to heal. By understanding and releasing these energies, you can create profound healing and transformation.
Real Life Transformations
Many individuals have experienced profound transformations through past life regression.
One client, who struggled with sleep due to a feeling of suffocation, discovered a past life where she drowned. By clearing the trauma from that life, she was able to breathe freely in her current life and no longer needed a CPAP machine.
Another client with unexplained pain in her side uncovered a past life where she was fatally stabbed in that exact spot. After healing the trauma from that life, her pain disappeared.
“Many were able to rid themselves of chronic lifelong symptoms, such as specific phobias, panic attacks, recurrent nightmares, unexplained fears, obesity, repeated destructive relationships, physical pain and illness, and so on. This is not a placebo effect. Generally, these are not people who are gullible or suggestible. They remember—names, dates, geography, details. And after they remember, (like Catherine), they become cured.” ― Dr. Brian L. Weiss
The Role of Karma and Relationships
Karma is often misunderstood as a form of punishment or retribution. Karma is held at the collective level and truly about balancing energies. Unresolved relationships or events from past lives may manifest in the present life as opportunities for balance, healing and growth.
For instance, a client unable to conceive discovered a past life where she had an illegal abortion as a teenager. Through her past life regression, she discovered that from a spiritual level, she chose not to have children in her current life to balance out that experience. Another client ended a toxic relationship that she felt was ‘killing her’ after uncovering it mirrored a past life where she blindly trusted and was killed by the same soul.
STEP FOUR: Integrating the Healing and Moving Forward
After a past life regression, the integration of insights and healing can lead to increased clarity about your life purpose and direction. You may experience emotional and physical healing, as well as a greater sense of wholeness and connection to your higher self or higher power.
Past life regression is a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing. By exploring the echoes of past lives, you can release old patterns, embrace your true essence and experience the enormity of who you are as a soul, access your higher power and elevate your consciousness.
Next Steps on Your Journey
“Embrace the journey of self-discovery and personal growth; you are here to awaken to your true potential.” – Dolores Cannon
If you’re interested in exploring past life regression further, you can experience a non-therapeutic regression through my Radio Show Archives on this website, Elemental Balance under the RADIO menu. On the archives page you will find past shows that give you a front row seat into other’s past life regressions and a few shows that are experiential for YOU, as I guide you through the past life process.
My Radio Show Archives: RADIO Menu Link Here
For those seeking a deeper, therapeutic experience, consider a one-on-one session to address specific issues and enhance your journey of self-discovery.
Thank you for joining me on this exploration of past lives and healing. If you found this article insightful, please share it with others who might benefit from this knowledge.
Podcast Episode
If you are interested in hearing more, you can listen to my podcast Separation to Oneness Episode 16, Through Memory Doors: Past Life Issues, Present Life Healing
“Can your current challenges be echoes from past lives? Join Niki Hughes and explore the intersection of consciousness, hypnosis, and healing as she shows us how past life memories impact our present reality. Whether you’re curious about consciousness, past life regression or seeking deeper healing, this episode offers practical insights into the deeper soul’s journey and the profound connection between lives. Featuring transformational client stories and evidence-based approaches to past life work.“
Separation to Oneness Episode 16