My client didn’t have any big goals for the session, but did throw in ‘understanding relationships’ before we started her past life regression.
She said she had been married twice, divorced twice and was curious to understand if anything from past lives had contributed to these unsuccessful marriage relationships.
Challenge Accepted!
On this month’s Past Life Explorers radio show, you will meet Huda, my special guest for June. Huda went into hypnosis very easily, and from there it was deep into the past life regression where she stepped into a lifetime that created understanding about CHOICE and the impact of those choices on her relationships then AND now.
Listen in as the show takes you through my work with Huda where she steps into a past life that related to LOVE, CHOICE and SECURITY, and where, as a young woman, all of her choices were made for her by men (quite typical for women generations ago).
Disempowered by trauma, she had her life taken over by others where choices were made for her, right down to where she would live.
Energetic Patterns Revealed
We all have patterns running in our lives. Perhaps about how we make the choices we make, or the people we have in our lives or how we respond in situations.
I’m sure you know others (if not yourself) who bring the same type of people or same difficult situations to themselves over and over and over again. When one difficult friendship ends, another steps in to take it’s place. These are energetic patterns in action!
On the show, you will hear how the unconscious mind shared with Huda the patterns that were created and running in her current life to give her the opportunity to become fully aware and transcend them.
If you have ever wondered what runs underneath the choices you make, you don’t want to miss this show!
Unlock the Healing
We take you through Huda’s past life that held the keys to unlocking, understanding and healing these patterns and energies, and we see how this has been impacting Huda’s current life.
Listen in as we remove a big block in the sacral plexus, which is the center of pleasure and passion governing relationships, sexuality, emotions and the sense of adventure. With that fear block out of the way, Huda can be open, available and ready for creativity (and adventure!).
Stand Up for Love
Throughout the show, Huda shares her perspectives of the past life regression and the impact on her life. We play clips of her regression and hear insights, learning and some very special guidance to move her into her own empowerment. Hint: watch where you’re going!
Listen to the archive of the June 23 Past Life Explorers Show on the News for the Soul Broadcast Radio Network by clicking the picture below.

At the end of the show I announced TWO great things.
The first is the Past Life Explorers ‘Listener’s Lottery’.
You can win a free full past life regression session with me AND come on the show! All you have to do to enter is send me an email at by the first of the month. That’s it! Just send an email and let me know you want to be entered.
The lucky winner will be chosen shortly after and from there we schedule our full two hour session and then …it’s on with the show.
The second is my special ‘savings’ offer to you.
In my SHOP at you will find high-quality hypnosis and meditation products to help you explore and create positive change in your life. Use the coupon code EXPLORERS for an instant 20% savings.
In the SHOP you will find Past Life Regression recordings for love, abundance, physical health, emotional health and building new skills as well as hypnosis recordings for energy balancing and mindfulness meditation. Heal and grow at home – my gift to you!
I’d LOVE to hear from you!
If you have questions about the show, how I help people remove trauma and fear blocks and those things that are holding them back …….. or if you want to know more about how a past life regression can help YOU, drop me an email at
Thanks for listening – stay safe and keep exploring!