We Fear What We Don’t Know

Death is a scary subject for most people because as humans, we fear the unknown.   And what happens when we die is the ultimate unknown!

Death is something we generally don’t talk about around the dinner table and the majority of us really only plan for the mechanical aspects, like wills, finances and funerals.    Truly, some of us don’t even get to that! Talking about loss and losing love through death can be a very uncomfortable conversation.

Times are Changing

Have you ever heard of a Death Café?  I heard about them a few years ago and was really intrigued. Death Cafe’s are a movement happening to get people talking about death to de-mystify, empower and to make talking about death a positive thing.    Death Café’s are social get togethers, usually over coffee or tea, where folks can talk openly about death, philosophies and discuss questions like “what things make for a good death?” If you are interested in attending a Death Café you can google it with your location or check out a Meetup in your area.    A fascinating way to meet people!

What if You Could Know What’s Next?

On this month’s Past Life Explorers show, we talk head on about death and what comes next. I take you on a spiritual regression journey to the Life between Lives space. This is the space after life where our soul can rest, heal, re-connect, and plan for more growth before coming back. On the show you will listen to actual session clips as we travel on a journey of the soul and gather wisdom, guidance and so much more in the spirit realms.    

We travel with Laura who transitions into the Life Between Lives space where she learns a TON about herself including her reasons for being here, and gets to experience the profoundness and magnificence of her own immortality.  

Questions Answered

Laura came to me for a Spiritual Regression into the Life Between Lives space because she was at a time in her life where she was questioning many things about herself and her life.   Having lost her best friend Alyssa two years earlier, she wanted to understand their relationship and the meaning of it all.    On this journey, Laura discovers the role and gift her friend Alyssa has given to her soul family, and has all of her deep and life changing questions answered.   

Join Us!

If you fear death, or if you grieve a loved one, or if you are just plain curious  — I hope you’ll join us to reduce your fear and bring in some comfort around what’s next.   You might also change the way you think of those you’ve loved and ‘lost’ and now imagine their joyful homecoming!   

Listen to Past Life Explorers Show on the News for the Soul Broadcast Radio Network LIVE on May 27th at 9AM  Pacific Standard Time.   

Can’t Listen Live?

Click below to check out the ARCHIVES a day after the show and listen at your leisure!


Stay Well and Keep Exploring!
